Which Edition of Management Console Should I Use?

Which edition of Management Console best suits your needs?
Compare the features between the Perpetual and Subscription Licensing Options.

Perpetual Subscription
Management Level View of BurnInTest System Testing
Management Level View of MemTest86 System Testing
Live View of Current Tests
Centralized Test Reporting
Centralized Statistical Information
Centralized Historical Test Records
Responsible for Installation and Set Up* You PassMark
Who supplies Database Server Hardware You PassMark
Upgrade and Patch Installation You PassMark
License Term Perpetual 1 Month
Support and Upgrades 12 Months 1 Month
Price (USD) AU$6063.81 (inc GST) AU$163.41 (inc GST)

(*) This refers to the setup of the database server. You will still need to setup the client testing software (BurnInTest or Memtest86) and maybe a PXE server, as per your requirements.


System Requirements for the On Site Perpetual License.

  • A web server running PHP (5.3.2 or later) and MySQL (5.2.47 or later)
  • If using Memtest86, Python scripting support (3.6.3 or later) and a PXE server setup to boot MemTest86 across the network is required. The systems running Memtest86 must be able to PXE boot to UEFI.
  • BurnInTest Pro/Windows (V8.1.1005 or later)
  • BurnInTest Linux (V4.0.1000 or later)
  • MemTest86 Pro Site (V7.5 or later)

System Requirements for the Cloud Subscription License.

  • BurnInTest (V10.2.1000 or later)
  • MemTest86 Pro (V10.3 or later)